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Perioral Mound Reduction

Perioral Mound Reduction services offered in the greater Newport Beach, CA area

Perioral Mound Reduction

Perioral Mound Reduction services offered in the greater Newport Beach, CA area

Have you noticed an unattractive fatty bulge running from the sides of your mouth down to your jaw? If so, you should consult Jonathan Zelken, MD, in Newport Beach, California, to learn if a perioral mound reduction can eliminate the problem. As one of the few experts in perioral mound reduction, Dr. Zelken identifies the underlying cause and recommends the best procedure for each person. Call the office right away or book an appointment online to discover how to safely revitalize your appearance.

Learn more about perioral mound reduction at Dr. Zelken's office »

Perioral Mound Reduction Q&A

What are perioral mounds, and why would I need reduction surgery?

Perioral mounds are pockets of fat running from the edges of your mouth toward your jaw. If you develop jowls, the perioral mounds form the top part of each jowl.

The perioral fat cells enlarge if you gain weight. But even if you maintain a healthy weight, you can end up with excessive fat in the perioral mounds because of aging. As you get older, fat under your skin gives in to gravity and accumulates in areas like the perioral mounds.

The reason people seek perioral mound reduction is to eliminate the excess fat and improve their appearance.

What happens during perioral mound reduction?

Dr. Zelken has years of experience performing procedures to reduce the perioral mound. He can combine procedures when needed to achieve better results than you’ll get through one alone.

He could recommend any of the following:

Radiofrequency procedures

FaceTite® and AccuTite® are two devices manufactured by InMode. Both use radiofrequency energy to safely heat and destroy fat cells under your skin. As an expert in both procedures and an InMode trainer, Dr. Zelken chooses the most appropriate one to remove your perioral fat.


Dr. Zelken might use a tiny tube and gentle suction to safely and precisely remove fat cells from the targeted area. You can depend on his skill and artistic approach to evenly remove the right amount of fat, avoiding lumps, bumps, and unattractive results.

Buccal mucosal myectomy (buccinator myectomy)

Instead of excess fat, the perioral mound can appear too large because of the muscles below the fat (buccinator muscles) and tissues above the fat (mucosal lining). To restore your appearance, Dr. Zelken recommends a buccal mucosal myectomy to carefully remove some of the muscle and mucosa.

Can I have other procedures together with perioral mound reduction?

Perioral mound reduction slims and contours the lower part of your face. Improving one part of your face can shine a spotlight on other areas that are also showing signs of aging.

Dr. Zelken offers comprehensive facial rejuvenation, ensuring you’re happy with your total appearance. That means he often performs several cosmetic procedures at the same time.

Call Jonathan Zelken, MD, today or request an appointment online to learn how to eliminate your perioral mounds.