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Reve Peel

Reve Peel

The RevePeel is the newest addition to our line of skin care products. We have completely overhauled our chemical peel line to make way for this exciting new product that is not only safe, but effective. This is a medium depth peel. This means that you will have the effect of a stronger product without significant downtime.

About Reve Peel

There are many ingredients in this peel that are designed to treat and prevent many common skin problems. For example, it contains TCA (trichloroacetic acid), salicylic acid, lactic acid, phenol, and Croton oil. The oil balances the other caustic acids and allows a very controlled deposition of these chemicals throughout the superficial and deeper layers of your skin.

The RevePeel has been described as both effective and comfortable by most patients. One of the most satisfying aspects of this is a subsequent and consistent peel that takes place days later.

Reve peel results are absolutely superior when compared to other medical grade chemical peels.


When it comes to reducing hyperpigmentation, melasma, acne, and fine lines and wrinkles, the Reve peel results are absolutely superior when compared to the results of other medical grade chemical peels on the market. This is due to that revolutionary Croton oil-blended delivery system which allows the peel to be applied evenly (as opposed to just alcohol-based peels) and enables it to penetrate to deeper depths targeting buried damage and stubborn pigment. This unique delivery system reduces the risk of post procedure inflammation (post inflammatory hyperpigmentation, PIH) making the Reve Peel a safe choice for virtually all skin types. We also feel that there is a synergistic relationship between this chemical peel and retinol-based products like Retin products like Retin-A. When combined the results last even longer because collagen/adduction and skin cell turnover are accelerated. This not only prevents aging but also allows for a high turnover of unhealthy skin.


The entire process takes about 20-30 minutes in the comfort of our spa. The depth of your peel is totally customizable, allowing us to be more aggressive in the areas that have more damage, and more superficial on sensitive areas if needed. The peel is left on for 2 – 4 hours post application which you will rinse off with the gentle cleanser that comes as part of your 7 – day homecare kit that we will provide to you. During the following 1-2 days the sun damage and pigment will be brought to the surface in preparation to shed. The peeling process usually begins by the 3rd day. Over a total period 7 – 10 days your old damaged surface layers will peel off in sheets -literally erasing years off of your face revealing fresh, even toned, beautiful new skin. If you’re ready to make dull uneven skin a thing of the past the Reve Peel is just what you need. In most cases, 1 treatment as all you need, but some patients request a second peel. Of course, this is a patient dependent and results may vary


If you’re considering Reve Peel to help combat your aging process or if you have questions about your options, don’t hesitate to contact us or schedule a consultation with Dr. Zelken. We’re located at 1617 Westcliff Drive in Newport Beach, CA, and we can be reached at (949) 432-4730. We serve patients from across the world — we have a Mandarin Chinese-speaking physician — along with clients in Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine and Laguna Beach, California.