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Wide Awake Facelift Mini Facelift Newport Beach Warning Graphic

Nov 06, 2018
Wide Awake Facelift Mini Facelift Newport Beach Warning Graphic
Warning: this is a VERY GRAPHIC instructional video designed for medical students, residents, medical professionals, and those very interested in the procedure only.

Warning: this is a VERY GRAPHIC instructional video designed for medical students, residents, medical professionals, and those very interested in the procedure only.

In this video, Newport Beach Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Jonathan Zelken, MD describes his approach to the facelift. In particular, a younger woman who had previous FaceTite radiofrequency tightening has a significant improvement but persistent skin excess around the mouth. As you will see by the results (which are ONLY 13 days out), the combination of FaceTite AND mini-facelift generates world-class results that are expected to stand the test of time. Best of all, this can all be done awake, in the comfort of the office, in less than 3 hours.

Please note: the patient also had fillers to the mandible angle, upper blepharoplasty, buccal fat pad removal, and is wearing makeup.