Today was a bit of a rollercoaster ride. I have whittled my onsite staff to a skeleton crew but was able to accommodate surgical consults, postoperative patients, and even small surgical procedures as planned.
Today was a bit of a rollercoaster ride. I have whittled my onsite staff to a skeleton crew but was able to accommodate surgical consults, postoperative patients, and even small surgical procedures as planned. All patients were screened for fever and travel history, and it was a pleasant workday. Yesterday I performed a great facelift at Rox Surgery Center, and there were no issues whatsoever.
I was disappointed to receive an order this afternoon which was a bit unclear, and read like a lockdown order. I responded by rescheduling surgical cases to April, and this created confusion and disappointment. Fortunately, the order was amended several hours later, and we will continue to function and offer all services at reduced capacity. We will continue to follow a protocol designed to mitigate risk for our patients. Our clinic will never host more than 8 people at a given time, which amply allows us to practice safe distancing.
We plan to maintain normal business operations until further notice. We are committed to keeping our center safe for all of our patients and staff. In light of growing concerns about the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease 2019), I want to remind you of all we do to combat the spread of infection.
We are continuously monitoring the local and global situation, and are receiving updates from the following agencies:
- Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- California Department of Public Health (CDPH)
- Orange County Health Care Agency
- Ambulatory Surgery Center Association (ASCA)
- California Ambulatory Surgery Association (CASA).
- Staff are screening patients during pre-operative phone calls.
- Entry into the facility is restricted to those who have been screened by staff. Visitors who have been deemed a risk will not be permitted to enter the facility and will be asked to reschedule their visit.
- Non-essential visitors accompanying patients are asked to stay home/wait outside the facility.
- Hand sanitizer is placed all around the office, easily accessible for use by patients and staff.
- Alcohol wipes have been placed at handwashing stations for disinfecting personal electronics such as phones.
- Commonly touched surfaces, such as door handles, table surfaces, and computer equipment are being routinely disinfected, multiple times per day.
- Patient care areas are being disinfected before/after each patient.
- Constant communication with staff about the best hygiene practices to ensure that everyone feels our centers provide a safe and clean environment.
- Minimizing the number of people in the lobby and exam rooms to maintain compliance with social distancing guidelines.
- We urge all clients and staff to follow CDC guidelines including self-quarantine when prudent.
- We are asking all clients and staff who have COVID-19 like symptoms to reschedule/stay home.
- Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer immediately upon entering our office, and as needed throughout your stay.
- If you or members of your family have been required or asked to be quarantined for any reason, or test positive for COVID-19, and you have visited our facility within the last 14 days, we kindly ask you to please alert management.
Please contact on of our staff at (949) 432-4730 with any questions or concerns. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I’ll say it again: stay safe, take solace in these actions (not fear), and enjoy the opportunity to catch up some old reading and chores you’ve been ignoring. We are here for you.
Dr. Zelken