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Combining a Rhinoplasty with a Newport Beach Vacation: A Perfect Rejuvenation Retreat

Oct 09, 2024
Combining a Rhinoplasty with a Newport Beach Vacation: A Perfect Rejuvenation Retreat
Imagine this: You wake up and gaze out the window at the beautiful ocean, and after checking your nose, you plan a nice hot stone massage. This scene could be your recovery after a rhinoplasty.

You lounge in bed, gazing out the window at the beautiful Southern California coast while figuring out what to order for breakfast and when to make your massage appointment. You also need to stop into the offices of Jonathan Zelken, MD, so our team can check the progress of your nose.

One of the many reasons Dr. Zelken loves working in Newport Beach is because he can offer top-notch plastic surgery services in an area that can double as a healing retreat.

Here, we explore why combining your rhinoplasty with a Newport Beach vacation provides the ultimate rejuvenation experience.

Getting your nose job done discreetly

Your nose takes center stage on your face, so it can draw a lot of attention, and you’d rather people lay eyes on a nose that fits more with your ideal appearance. You’re certainly not alone — each year in the United States, surgeons perform nearly 50,000 rhinoplasties, helping patients to reshape their noses to fit their goals.

While you’re in excellent and experienced hands with Dr. Zelken when it comes to a rhinoplasty, even the best surgeons can’t eliminate the one- to two-week period after the procedure, during which it can be obvious that you’ve had work done on your nose. 

As Dr. Zelken explains in this video, you can expect some swelling and bruising. You will also have splinting and casting around your nose, as well as silicone implants that help maintain your desired shape during early recovery. In other words, you won’t really be putting your best face forward for two weeks after your nose job.

If you’d rather not advertise to your circle of friends and family that you've had work done, setting yourself up for recovery in an area where no one knows you can be an excellent idea. 

Taking a timeout after your rhinoplasty

Many of our patients, even ones from Southern California, use the period after their surgery to retreat from life a little and take a timeout.

Imagine stepping away from your everyday chores and responsibilities and devoting a week or two to your needs and desires.

After your rhinoplasty, we want you to take it easy, so it’s a great time to find a comfortable hotel or house rental where you can relax, read, take a walk on the beach, or any other soothing activity.

To give you an idea of all that Newport Beach offers, check out this link to our local tourism site. As you’ll see, Newport Beach doesn’t lack rejuvenation opportunities, as we have some of the finest spas and hotels in the country.

In other words, Newport Beach is the ideal spot for relaxing and recovering. Not only will you return to your life refreshed, but you’ll have the nose of your dreams in place and ready to show off.

If you’d like to explore combining your rhinoplasty with a Newport Beach vacation, we're happy to help. To get the ball rolling, call (949) 432-4730 to schedule a consultation at our practice. You can also request an appointment using our online booking tool.